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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Human Population growth puts wildlife at risk

The human population has been on the rise ever since man appeared on the planet 6000 years ago. On the contrary, general wildlife trends show a great decline since man became civilized.With the use of guns that replaced spears and arrows, man has been decimating wildlife without abandon. But the greatest risk to wildlife especially in Africa is the ever rising human population. For instance, the population of Kenya has more than tripled since 1960. From a mere 6 million people to 40 million today. This is causing pressure on wildlife as people demand land for settlement hence displacing wildlife.

To manage wildlife, lets first manage the human population. Stop giving aid in form of food as this only results in more and more children. Lets instead give them family planning pills and educate them on advantages of small family size. I like the China's "one child policy". This could be a blessing for Africa. Lets have the Red Cross distribute birth control pills to people as the rise in human population in Africa is a humanitarian crisis itself. It is the cause of poverty. That is why despite its oil wealth, many Nigerians remain poor and poor. The population more than anything else is to blame here. 
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