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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Hyena's Hated by Many, loved by Few!!

I like telling people about one of my most favorite animal-hyena. This is not only because of the persecutions they suffer but also the confusion and misinformation that exists about them. Whereas hyenas are regarded as gluttons, it will surprise many that this is a misconception. Hyenas rarely eat in solitude. They will always call the rest of the clan to share the meal. If that is not generosity, then I wonder what it is. Again, the mother hyenas, like most traditional African families, communally take care of the young. They will go as far as breastfeeding them, and so much more without hesitation nor discrimination.
 Were you ever told that hyenas do not hunt but wait for the lions kill? Don't believe that, it's a complete lie. Hyenas are formidable hunters. In the Aberdare, there are no lions. Hyena is the largest predator this park. They bring down buffaloes and other herbivores since this is their main food.

My three month study on Hyenas in Aberdare forest of Kenya completely changed my thinking about this lovely animals. Before then, I had scanty knowledge about them. Stories were given in books, tales about hyena and hare. The hare was projected to be clever and canning while hyena was always projected to be dump. Thanks to the three-month study and the interest I developed for this creatures. I could sue the authors of those books for feeding young children on lies with their books.

I believe that these story books about hyenas and the hare need to be abolished completely from schools. They are partly to be blame for the persecution of hyenas today. People come to hate hyenas and think they don't deserve to live.
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