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Friday, July 21, 2017

Global warming: Is it time to Relocate Parks!!

Global warming is the general increase in average temperatures worldwide. How does this bear on wildlife?

There are numerous reasons for the patterns of wildlife distribution on the planet. The major and most common is the climate. Some wildlife will manage to survive in certain regions of the globe because the temperature in those regions favor their survival.

With increasing global temperatures, it simply means that those wildlife species that will fail to adopt will become extinct. To prevent this catastrophe, far reaching policy measures will have to be undertaken. Wildlife managers will have to shift the parks to accommodate shifting global temperatures and hence climate. Countries that have a variety of temperatures and altitude will have more adaptability options that those with uniform climatic zones. For instance, species that require cool temperatures will have to be moved to higher altitude areas as global warming progresses. Species in high altitudes will have less and less chance of survival as the temperatures warm globally. Some countries especially in Africa have started experiencing the adverse impacts of global warming. Droughts and floods have become a frequent phenomena. Wildlife species are faced with danger of starvation. Some countries have taken first aid measures like supplying food and water to the animals. However, this is unsustainable given the huge number of wildlife found throughout Africa and the consequent costs. Therefore, we need to ask a couple of questions:

Do we have alternative solution to this?
Who is to blame for Global Warming?

Shifting parks from the current locations to new areas with suitable climate is a solution but very difficult and almost impossible to implement especially for democratic countries. This will mean moving people from their current residences to other areas. This is bound to spur conflict between wildlife managers and the local people and kill the goodwill people have towards wildlife. Again, compensation for the loss of land will be in billions and most countries will not be able to raise this amount.

We therefore need to find a solution based on the source of the problem. Industrialized countries are to blame for the rapid increase in global average temperatures. This is simply due to their high rate of fossil fuel consumption per capita that generates greenhouse gases that litter our atmosphere thereby leading to global warming. The greenhouse gases trap heat energy which is retained on earth. The higher the concentration of these gases, the higher the heat energy will be retained hence the increase in global temperature. Despite this knowledge, the use of fossil fuel continues unabated.

The use of fossil fuels by industrialized countries is completely unnecessary. There is already enough resources in the world to cater for everyone. There is only one problem and an impediment to this. Capitalism. Few people are keeping more than they actually need hence leading to the excessive use of energy throughout the world. There are workable solutions to global warming.

First, it is upon mankind to use only what they require. The current rate of capitalism is going to destroy the world. We shall end destroying ourselves. A human being has an average of 70 years on this planet. Why should such a person hold resources that will require 1 million years to deplete?

Second, lets not just talk, lets implement the protocols we spent so much money formulating. We should use non carbon fuels to drive our economy. Although viewed as dangerous, nuclear energy is what will save the world from global warming. This is because it is a clean energy source emitting less green house gas if any and can provide very large amount of energy needed to drive our industries. Compared to oil, there has been very few nuclear accidents in the world and even so, fewer fatalities. With increasing technology, nuclear energy is becoming safer each day.
Then, use of electric cars should be enhanced. Governments should fund motor vehicle research to produce state of the art electric cars that are cheaper and stop reliance on petrol cars. Also the use of public transport especially the electric trains should be enhanced throughout the world instead of drilling for more oil.

Africa and other developing countries should compel the industrialized world to compensate for the loss in revenue from wildlife and for the extra costs of maintaining them due to global warming impact. It is not fair to cater for the costs brought about by other nations. The loss of revenue due to global warming is enormous. Again, countries that invest in nature as opposed to industries need to be compensated by the industrializing at a rate commensurate with their inputs. Otherwise, with the current trend of energy use in the world, developing countries should brace themselves for a tough future ahead. Wildlife will face the most difficult situations ever.

What can you contribute as an Individual? Individuals can contribute through enhancing incomes from conservation of nature. This could be by making visits to parks and reserves to ensure they have steady incomes to discourage change of land tenure.Also, direct contributions could be made to conservation organizations directly involved in conservation of wildlife.

Next: coming soon: Is Wildlife Conservation Sustainable?
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